Terms and conditions that are never read
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Beginner's Guide

Beginner's Guide: Legal Design (Part 1)

Legal design is an innovative method that combines the principles of law and design to create user-friendly, accessible and effective legal solutions and processes.
Bilgehan Arifoglu

1. What is legal design?

When was the last time you logged into a website and accepted the privacy policy and actually read the entire document? If you didn't read that it was too dry and boring, welcome 🎉 you're in the right place.

Een illustratie met algemene voorwaarden knop.

The official definition of legal design is as follows: “Legal design is an innovative approach that combines law and design principles to create more user-friendly, accessible and effective legal solutions and processes”. But it's about making the law easier to understand and more accessible! Legal design is like giving the law a makeover, making it simpler and easier to use. It's not just for lawyers, but for everyone involved with the law.

Waarom is het belangrijk?
Omdat juridisch jargon complex is, is het gunstig om het rechtssysteem en -proces zo te ontwerpen dat het voor iedereen begrijpelijk is. Zodat iedereen weet wat er in de juridische wereld gebeurt en wat van invloed is op wie en op wat.


Een GIF waarop een gewone man te zien is die zegt: "Ik weet veel over de wet en diverse andere lawyerings".

Legal design is about focusing on the end user and ensuring that their needs are met. This can be another lawyer, a judge, but often also for laymen. The law can be confusing, scary, and downright unfriendly. But with legal design, there is an opportunity for empathy and understanding. By making legal matters simple and understandable, everyone is helped.

Legal design can also encourage creativity. By thinking outside the box and coming up with fun and innovative ways to make the law more interesting and accessible. With legal design, you can create endless things. From crystal clear visuals to interactive tools. A good example is the Maryland Court' App, an application that helps people navigate through the courts. It's not just about flashy contracts.

2. So what is “no” legal design?

Merely improving the aesthetics of contracts with decorative icons and trendy fonts does not provide an effective “legal design product.” Adding informative icons and readable typography and hierarchy is a good first step, but that's part of the finish of the product. Applying these design principles is ineffective without applying the core rule of legal design: putting the end user at the center of the design process.

Waarom is het belangrijk?
Juridische oplossingen die de behoeften van gebruikers negeren, die inclusiviteit niet bevorderen, of traditionele juridische documenten vol juridisch jargon helpen onze samenleving of gemarginaliseerde gemeenschap niet om beter te navigeren in de juridische procedures.
klassieke overeenkomst, geheel bestaande uit tekst en juridisch jargon
Een intentieverklaring, ontworpen door Patroon, met alles wat de gebruiker kan verwachten en wat er van hem verwacht wordt in duidelijke en eenvoudige bewoordingen.

In the example above, the difference is crystal clear. Above is an example of a bank's general terms and conditions. These are hard to read, boring, full of legal jargon, and created to cover the bank's legal team, not the user. Below is a statement of intent that explains in simple and clear terms what is expected of the user and what the user can expect in return. Both are legal documents, but only one was created with the end user in mind.

3. Introductory material about legal design

The term “legal design” is getting more and more attention, and more and more people are becoming aware of its efficiency in communication in the legal context. But to really understand legal design, you need to understand how it relates to design thinking, user experience design, research skills, and even some communication/graphic design skills.

een illustratie van gelaagde informatieboom
Waarom is het belangrijk?
Legal design en design thinking zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Beide gaan over het begrijpen van de behoeften van gebruikers en het bedenken van innovatieve ideeën om het recht toegankelijker te maken. Het toevoegen van een communicatieve laag is als de kers op de taart. Het gaat om het gebruik van sprekende visuals en interactieve elementen om juridische informatie interessanter, informatiever en overtuigender te maken.

For those who love creative problem solving and creating remarkable legal products, legal design, design thinking and communication design are worth investigating. With these skills, justice can be made easy and stimulating, and maybe even fun.

For those who want to get started right away, here's a list of design thinking blogs:

4. Essential publications to better understand legal design

Here are some of the most essential publications to better understand legal design and its principles:

  • Law By Design. This is one of the best-known sources for legal designers. Understanding the core concept of legal design is very important for what you want to achieve in the context of legal design.
  • Legal Communication Design. This website is managed by Stanford Legal Design Lab, and is good for understanding communicative legal design.

This is just the beginning of a journey. The next chapter is about the world of design thinking. It is a good introduction to the fundamentals of legal design.

Next chapter of this Beginner's Guide: Design thinking for Legal Design.